Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Snow kids!


Another fun time in the snow and this time my window was a tad cleaner and for some of the time they were right by the window.  In the second photo they are trying to break the ice that is in the summer pool they have.  Jake is now 14 weeks old and what a character he is!




Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jake and others….

Gotta love the floppy ear…  Jake and Ari

IMG_0644    Growing Up (8)

It’s really hard to look innocent with string in your mouth….


When Ari was here he used to sit right where Brita and Jake are sitting.  It’s right outside of the porch and it’s the best place to get a view of the countryside for miles….and of course, to get the first sight of a car or truck going down the lane!  When I saw Brita and Jake I couldn’t get my camera fast enough.  I have never before seen her there.

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And what is it about the dishwasher???   Jake in the first photo and Brita in the second.

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What’s a little baby gate… He didn’t even look at it like an obstacle!

2010-01-23 baby gate2

Friday, January 22, 2010

It’s Friday….

……..and Friday’s are for Fun! 

We have this list called a Puppy Scavenger Hunt which is a list of things for a puppy to do, watch, visit and experience.  So off we went to check some of them off. 

First stop – Clever K9’s and as you see, he got NO attention there!!  Two weeks from now he will be old enough to experience doggy daycare.

2010-01-22 12.27.19

We left there and headed for the Encircle Health building where he experienced (with permission) automatic doors that go around, and around, and around… He was all eyes but took it in stride.  On the way out we talked for a bit with a man in a wheelchair….another thing to check off.

2010-01-22 13.17.47 2010-01-22 13.18.52

Very quickly we happened upon tree trimmers whose truck was very loud as it mulched the branches.  What an opportunity!  I stopped and pulled Jake from the crate and walked close enough for the noise to be loud but not close enough to get in the way!  Then, soon after that….more good luck!  A train!  Now I’m sure I was the ONLY one who thought that a train crossing the street and holding up traffic was not an inconvenience!  Out came Jake again and we stood and watched it for a few minutes and then back in the van and on our way!

 2010-01-22 13.22.202010-01-22 13.28.24

Last stop – Lisa’s Pet Grooming where we handed him around while we still can lift him.   Eventually I got the look you see that is saying: “Enough already….let’s call it a day!” 

2010-01-22 13.51.23 2010-01-22 13.52.18

Tomorrow….. the barnyard animals…. donkey and sheep and goats and chickens, oh my!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 3 – a snow day!


Brita is being wonderful with Jake and these shots of them playing in the snow really tell the story!  The first slideshow is in the morning and the second in the afternoon.  They both are taken from inside a window so not great photography but really great dog body language shots.  The second slideshow is over a time of FOUR minutes.  I could have kept shooting but decided I could it would be way too many photos!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 2 – Out and About w/Jake

….but today Brita was along so she got to do some training after all the hoopla in the morning.  I had to go to the Century 21 office where there is a daycare in the building and I KNOW how much the kids like when I bring Brita so I was waiting with Jake when they came out to play.  He was wonderful with the kids…they could have done anything to him!   See for yourself….

Then to the dog club for some running for both Jake and Brita followed by some obedience training!  Here is a photo from last night when Brita got in the crate and Jake followed along and snuggled in beside her.  The second shot is when she settled on a towel next to the crate on the kitchen floor.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Brita's Pedigree

Brita von der Alte Baum

Dam born : 20. November 2006

Siblings (9)Progeny (0)Progeny Pictures (0)Reverse Linebreeding4 generations
5 generations
6 generations

No comments (0)

Linebreeding - 5 generations

male Cinto von der schwarzen Eule
SZ 2065448
HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2)

Cinto von der schwarzen Eule

male Eik vom Hohen Windberg
SZ 1857218

Eik vom Hohen Windberg
male V Kimm vom Werseufer
SZ 1555668
HD-fast normal

V Kimm vom Werseufer
female Fenja von den Wannaer Höhen
SZ 1747394
female Eule vom schwarzen Drachen
SZ 1929937
HD-fast normal

Eule vom schwarzen Drachen
male V Arry vom Haus Leica
SV 1814820
HD-fast normal

V Arry vom Haus Leica
female Sina vom Kassler Kreuz
SZ 1778983
HD-noch zugelassen

female Donna vom Rosenbach
SZ 2093490

Donna vom Rosenbach

male V Rocky von den Zingelgärten
SZ 1947661
HD-fast Normal

V Rocky von den Zingelgärten
V-BSP 1990, SG-BSP 1993, G-BSP 1991, SCHH3
male V Troll von der bösen Nachbarschaft
SZ 1688832

V Troll von der bösen Nachbarschaft
female SG Kisa von Lützing

SZ 1804707
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

female Angy vom Rosenbach
SZ 2006140
male 2XBSP Eddy vom Schloß-Richthof
SZ 1821383
female Queen von Schloß Birkenstein

SZ 1925531
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

Day 1 – Out and About w/Jake

I woke up about 4am to hear a little whining from his crate which was right next to me and said to myself… “that’s right… I have a puppy now”…  so I crated Brita, picked him up, went to the back door from the porch and tossed him out… not too far ..just enough that I could get the door closed before he came back in.  So I watched him for a minute… he did his thing and I opened the door and in in came and we went back to bed until… are you ready… 9am!  Brita knows to sleep in if I do and he was just doing what he saw!! 

Took him to Petco today for a harness and some window shopping.  He was amazing… no problem with the automatic doors, slippery floor and people who went goggles over a puppy.   Then to my office where he sat on the counter for everyone to see and let snuggle.  He really is a snuggler and will let me carry him around and just watches the world from a higher vantage point.  Thought I better do it now because soon I won’t be able to.  Then to the vet to weigh him (22 pounds) where he did the counter thing again.

He looks so much like Brita did as a pup that I am referring to him as her.   We went to the dog club for a puppy class tonight and I found out he’ll do anything for chicken.  Circle right, spin left for a warm up – no problem.  Sit in front and watch – ok.   Platz… on a grooming table.. sit on a box..  walk on a wobbly board… walk beside me looking up..  no problem~  Sure you can hand me off to whomever wants to hold me.. amazing!  He did look at the white fuzzy puppies as if they were from another planet but didn’t bark consistently like Brita did for the whole first session that I took her to class!  Will this mean that I have a dog now WITHOUT the “German shepherd whine”!!  The photo on the left (or first one depending on your browser) was taken with Jason’s phone at the class..  the hoop on the floor in the background is a nice touch…  looks like a halo if you look just right.  The picture on the right is Brita… she does have the pencil lines on her toes which he doesn’t have.

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Brita is being the best big sister.  She treats him much like Teddy treated her but with much more gentleness.  He follows her outside and learned last night that you can go from the van in the garage to the yard through a dog door or go downstairs to the basement through another dog door and then through the basement and up the stairs and be in the kitchen area!  Didn’t take him long to figure things out!  I just observed Brita get a toy, tease him with it and then hand it off to him when he reached for it!!  How cool is that!

Here is Jake’s YouTube account!




Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meet Jake….

Mike Williams (Brita’s breeder) called me to see if I was ready for a male... ...nnnooo   ...not in the plan...... so little time... not enough money...  Brita’s mom and Crack the dog he took to nationals who has many of the same dogs as Ari had in his pedigree... oohh...  last one in the litter.. a little smaller than the others.... "I'll send you a video" he said...

Went there on Saturday...  brought him home today(Sunday)... Drove most of the way home from Iowa in 30 degree fog and mist with the ice trucks out.  Made a stop in Edgerton for training and to meet the group.  He walked into training like he owned the place! 

Brita LOVES him and runs circles around him to play.  Kobie is fine with him and mostly ignores him but that will change…it’s her way.  Olivia has had the conversation with him that goes something like this..  "you leave me alone and I'll spare your life.."  lol  He understood...
 2010.1 Jake

Friday, January 8, 2010


Job 12:7-10. But ask the animals, and they will teach you; or birds of the air and they will tell you;

The Souls of Animals
By Steve Dennis

At some point in our lives, we have all lost precious and dear pets, or at least know someone who has. Their passing is often as painful to us as when we lose human loved ones, sometimes even more so. When they leave us, we like to think that there is a place for them in eternity. It is important that we feel that somehow, someway, provision has been made for them.

Unfortunately, when we seek validation for these hopes from those we look to in spiritual matters, we frequently find that they hold to the view that animals are for this world only and that they do not possess eternal souls. We are told that when they pass, that is the end of the road for them. This only deepens our sorrow and pain.  

I do not subscribe to this view. In fact, I find it to be both presumptuous and theologically immature. Presumptuous, because the Bible is clear that God valued the creatures he formed with his own hands and called them “very good” after creating them, indicating that their existence pleased him.

Further, the Bible gives indisputable record that God, motivated by his pleasure and love for his creation, personally and purposely protects and provides for his creatures from Eden past through Millennium future. We are told that he clothes the animals and provides sustenance for them. He directs their migrations to ensure their safety from the environment. He even gives instructions on how domestic animals should be treated. In short, he expresses and employs unending care for his creatures.

This should come as no surprise to anyone as it is in keeping with his original plan in Eden, which was that animals (like humans) would live forever. His immutability precludes variance from that plan; irrespective of the temporary setback caused by the fall of mankind. It would be presumptuous to think that God would change his mind on this matter, for his thoughts and plans are perfect and never in need of correction, change or update.

Continuing, the evidence found in scripture overwhelmingly supports that animals do indeed have souls, much like people. I say “much like” because there is a distinct difference. Animals are innocent creatures that are not in need of reconciliation and regeneration. Nevertheless, with this one exception, their souls are very similar to, if not exactly like our own.

In perhaps the oldest book of the Bible, the Book of Job, verse 10 of chapter 12 tells us “In whose hand is the soul of every living thing”. This is a very profound passage. The initial, face-value perception is that God is speaking of all creatures, human and animal. The considered, in-depth study of the statement supports the initial perception. He is speaking of all creatures, human and animal.
The word “soul” is used in over twenty different ways in the Bible. Invariably, when people come across this word in scripture, they automatically associate it with redemption, so much so that in no matter what context it appears, the connection to reconciliation and salvation is always present in their minds and unconsciously applied to the interpretation

In most cases, this is right and acceptable to the rules of exegesis, but there are times when it is not. Clearly, the gospel message is not for animals. It is exclusively for people. It is a reconciliatory outreach from God to people. However, to allow this truth to cause one to draw the conclusion that an animal therefore cannot have a soul, is to visit a gross injustice on scripture.

The Hebrew word “nephesh” (soul), appears many times in scripture and is used interchangeably to describe both the essence of man and animals. It does not make a distinction between the two and it does not delve into salvation in its application. Rather, it addresses the consciousness of the soul.

This passage in Job is a good example of this. The word soul is not used in relation to redemption, but rather addresses providential care. A clearer meaning of this verse would be “in whose hand is the life or essence of every living thing…”. God is speaking of that part of humans and animals that contains or houses the “life” he has given to them, that part that departs the body when the body expires. 

When we mesh this thought in Job with Romans chapter 8 and Revelation 5:9-13, to name a few corresponding passages, the meaning is clear. The life or essence of every living thing is in the eternal care of the one who created that life.
However, this word in Job indicates an even deeper thought for us to consider. We often refer to man (or woman) as a flesh and blood body with a soul. This is not so. In keeping with the absolute intent of this word, man is a soul that has been placed in a flesh and blood body. The distinction is subtle, but it is immense in effect. This is our essence, that we are a soul, not a body. The body is temporal, but the soul eternal.

This truth applies to animals as well. They are not creatures with souls, but are eternal souls given temporary bodies. The same word is used to describe their essence as it is ours. So when we refer to their soul, we are merely acknowledging that animals have essence and that this essence is eternal in nature. They are innocent creatures whose souls are safe in the hand of their creator.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Tribute to Ari

Arsenal vom Keashaborn (Ari)
(April 21, 1999 – December 18, 2009)
CGC, Therapy Dog, BH, TR1, RN

Thanks to all the decoys who ever worked or caught him!
Shown in these photos in no particular order…

Bryan, Joe, Wayne, Greg, Matt, Jay, Jeremy, Ivan, Darryl, Sean, Todd, Chad, Harry and Chris

And the ones I remember who are not in these photos:

Michael, Terence, Daniel, Eric, Tom, Wolfgang G., Wolfgang L., Cory, Dennis, Chad, Gordy, Brice, Fred, Brian, Jerry, Joseph, Mark, Todd, Waleed and Brice


Ari’s Journal                Ari’s Photos
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