Thursday, November 18, 2010

On Watch – Ari, Brita and Jake

This post is a follow up to a post in January…  here are details about that one.

When Ari was here he used to sit right where Brita and Jake are sitting.  It’s right outside of the porch and it’s the best place to get a view of the countryside for miles….and of course, to get the first sight of a car or truck going down the lane!  When I saw Brita and Jake I couldn’t get my camera fast enough.  I have never before seen her there.

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So I thought to myself…  self… why not put a permanent bench of sorts there for them to sit on.  So during the summer I hauled a door that was in the shed to the area, covered it with carpet and yes..  they did hang out on it and so did I.  Well, the door was one of those cheap hollow ones and before long it deteriorated and was no longer usable.  Off to ReStore to get a used door… success..  $30 metal outside door… perfect.. 

2010-11-18 13.15.46   2010-11-18 13.25.19  

So after the photo shoot it was “run around the yard” time for Brita and Jake. 
My favorite is the last one where it looks like they are dancing!

2010-11-18 13.26.40   2010-11-18 13.26.47a   2010-11-18 13.26.55




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