Laurel Stone
October 22, 2012
Dogs are barking outside - weird barking.. i call them in through a patio door on a 3 season porch. Brita comes right in...I hear Jake coming and as he gets nearer and just before he leaped onto the porch I realize he has something big in his mouth.... I say "out" and he drops a huge, very recently deceased, possum inside on the porch... now what?
Rodney Halbleib, Allison Fahrenkrug, Janet Amaral and 10 others like this.
Dawn Nemitz Get a shovel. Return it to the outside and hope something else carries it away!!
October 22 at 10:55pm via mobile · Like
Christie Meyer Poor munchkin. No worries about disease transition. Their body temp is too low to harbor most diseases that are transmittable to dogs. I would get it well out of smell zone though....cause they are gonna want what they earned.
Dave Garot you sure it was dead or just playing...well, you know
Kim Rall trash can........quick
Maren Bell Jones Are you absolutely sure it is dead? My dog growing up "killed" a possum as he had killed dozens of squirrels. My dad was about to bag it up when I told him to leave it on the back porch for a few minutes with the lights out. 5 minutes later, it was gone...
Ann Grosskopf OMG I would have run
Christie Meyer Willow came running out of a barn with a "dead" opossum at a bon fire one night. We crated the poor thing, and put a can of food in there with it. Let it out the next morning. Never showed a sign of life, but the food was gone and so was it when the opportunity presented itself.
Laurel Stone I don't know if it was playing possum or not.. dogs went back out and when they came in it was gone from the porch... morning will tell.. not going out there tonight... Brita and Jake unlike other dogs of mine don't eat stuff they kill. Who knows - will report tomorrow... :)
Kathryn Hager Oh dear!
October 22 at 11:29pm via mobile · Like
Dave Garot Brought Dora in Saturday only to find half the hindquarters of what I think was a rabbit on the back steps
Daniel McElroy Now you say, "Thank God that's not a skunk."
October 23 at 12:33am via mobile · Unlike · 2
Amy Alexander Ewww! Grab a plastic bag and a pair of gloves and put it in your neighbor's yard. ;-)
October 23 at 12:49am via mobile · Like
Nancy Nestler Our dog Gary put one big bloody one on the front porch before my daughter's wedding not 5 minutes before the pastor arrived.
Nan Brennan OMG..
Marilyn Tokach Never a moment at the Stone home, eh?
Teresa Foster Arneson We had a similar husband went to get shovel to remove it and it was gone. He even thought it was stiff. Tricky little burgers!
October 23 at 5:43am via mobile · Like
Alan Dordel Are u sure its deceased???? Take a shovel and get it outside, preferably the other side of the fence!!!!
October 23 at 6:14am via mobile · Like
Alan Dordel Don't try to pick it up. U don't want to find out the hard way they play dead and how extremely viscous they are. Undoubtedly it's carrying rabies as well.
October 23 at 6:17am via mobile · Like
Andrea Tobolski Dobson I'll bet it's gone-they do a great job of playing possum!! ;)
October 23 at 6:22am via mobile · Like
Andi Watson Yuk! Unless you like dog- kill : )
October 23 at 7:28am via mobile · Like
Gail Vandenlangenberg okay how did it turn out??? I think it was just playing dead-they are so good at that :)
Susan Disher Fuller Better than the black and white kitty cat my dog ran into Sat night, house still stinks!
Laurel Stone ok... just came in from a short walk around the yard so (1) Jake buried it for later...he does bury things but this I doubt (2) it was carried off by something bigger which I doubt because I don't know what bigger animal would be in my fenced area (3) it was somewhere I missed because I didn't walk the whole 3 acres or (4) it was playing possum on my porch and is gone only to return another night so I can go through this again! And YES I am very glad it was not a skunk...I am counting my blessings. It was bad enough when I found a dead possum in the middle of the yard and had to remove that or the headless squirrels and rabbits but this would have probably required calling a friend and saying I'll feed you spaghetti if you.... love bartering...
Sandi Moore ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Janice Cascio Land I had possums in my backyard and Logan,my GS,(one of Joannes pups, now 4!) saw a possum at the same time as I did and we both thought it was dead, layed there 20+ min., so maybe Jake burried it alive, playing dead???
Rodney Halbleib LOL!!! My dogs are always ringing something interesting home
Laurel Stone lol...yeah ..Rod your dogs are labrador retrievers they are supposed to retrieve and bring things home. These are German Shepherds .....shep herd....sheep herd... not retriever... and Jake clearly was not herding the possum. I cringe when I think...See More