Thursday, February 26, 2009

Olivia visiting Teddy

One Sunday I took Olivia to Teddy's

resting place. It was the first visit in warmer weather and with no snow on the ground. She sniffed around and then settled right by it as if to say,

“I'll just watch over him for a bit”.


From Olivia's Visit to Teddy's Resting Place




From Olivia's Visit to Teddy's Resting Place










Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Teddy Remembered

  • Teddy will be remembered as the Salesperson and Broker class resident Dog!  He was absolutely enjoyable to be with during my classes with Laurel Stone.  I am sure that Teddy outlasted any other dog in his condition just because he was so loved! He is probably jumping over clouds in doggy heaven! Joan McLesterDSC03516

  • Dear Laurel,  You have created an absolute work of art in Teddy's memorial webpage.  Very very moving.  When I think of Teddy, I think of an easy going guy.  You reminded me of his anxieties the other day on the phone, but I can only recall how easily he slipped into my pack the weekend I cared for him and got to know and appreciate him.  He will be missed.  I am very sorry for the pain you are feeling now.  It's such a small price to pay for everything that they give us.  And they do give us everything...unconditionally.  We're lucky enough to understand that. Lisa Hansen
  • I'm sooo sorry,,..Lori Sabourin
  • Laurel, I am so sorry for the loss of your Teddy. He is such a handsome guy. What a beautiful memorial and website you have created for him. I hope Teddy and Saada and all the other fur children are great friends. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.  Gina
  • I was so sorry to hear about Teddy - I know  how difficult it was for you.  Your tribute is beautiful and heartwarming.  Please let me know if I can do anything for you.    Take care..... LL
  • I understand exactly how you feel about your animals as I have those very same feelings.  In fact, I think I have a harder time dealing with the death of a loved pet than I do most people.  My prayers and thoughts are with you and with Teddy. He is in a better place where he can run and play like a puppy again. They say that  "real heaven" for us pet lovers will be when we go there and all our loving pets that have passed on will be there with us.  I really hope that is true. Herb said the website and poem was beautiful....... Love, RW
  • Just went to your site---WHAT A  BEAUTIFUL DOG! my heart goes out to you for your huge loss  Karen
  • I was on the phone with my mother  when I first opened your email, and read her the beautiful poem you created. We were both in tears. We are so very sorry for the loss of Teddy.  ...Kim
  • What a great dog he was.  My sympathies. ....Denise

  • I am so sorry to hear about Teddy Edward.  My Paddy was born in 99 and so it really hits home.  If only human medicine could be so kind.    Kay
  • Teddy is one of my favorite memories from class back in 2002.  He was a great guy, and fortunate to have such a loving home.  My sympathy to you, Laurel, on the loss of your companion and friend.  ...JackieTeddy behind fence1
  • These tears are not praise enough."Weep,but not in anger. Weep in unending praise for a lovely spirit who taught you so much and loved you so well. - Anon   ...Renee
  • Thanks so much for sharing Laurel....oh, how so very heart is heavy for you and you loss... Marcia

  • So sorry to hear about Teddy. He's not gone, he's just gone ahead and is waiting... Robert
  • I just hate it when our best friends hurt...they always leave us too soon… Andrea
  • He was such a NEAT dog. He had the sweetest disposition and that lovely coat of his. I think the world will miss him in it. Oh my, I am so sorry. Much to young at 10. Wow. S. B.
  • So sorry for your loss of Teddy.  I hope the memories of Teddy make you smile and in time your heart will heal.  ...Gail
  • Teddy Was a gorgeous boy. I am so very sorry for your loss.  He wasn't very old before he left this earth.  These are devastating times, and my heart is with you.  I can totally appreciate your grief and sadness at the loss of Teddy.  Hugs to you Laurel and big hugs & kisses to Teddy.  ....Janice
  • He was a wonderful dog and lucky to have you, Laurel   ....Kate

  • Perhaps he is keeping JA company….    They would make a cute couple….  My heart goes out to you….. D
  • What a beautiful dog!   I'm so sorry for your loss. The website is a beautiful tribute to him.  ...Marie
  • Teddy touched so many!  I'm honored to have met him and talked to him.  Hard to believe he's passed on from this life. My thoughts are with you!     .......Marilyn
  • What a beautiful tribute, brought tears to my eyes. Take care my friend.  ...Dawn
  • So sorry for our loss of your Teddy. We will keep you in our prayers and thoughts.  ....Joe
  • I always felt your love...I now feel your loss...but most of all the amazing memorial you created for Teddy Edward reflects the beauty he was, the spirit he is and the amazing human being you are.  Thanks for sharing and thanks for being you.      .......Herb
  • I am so sorry, Laurel.  Our pets are family and it is so hard to say ‘good bye’.    .....Hugs, Beth
  • Bless you Laurel and Teddy in his passing.  What an absolutely beautiful tribute with your slide show.  He was lucky to have such a caring owner as you.   ....Teresa
  • Laurel ... I am so sorry for your loss of beautiful Teddy Edward ....  May your precious memories of Teddy Edward always bring you peace and comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.  ....Charles
  • I am so sorry about your loss. The pictures are beautiful and knowing you did what was best for him does not make the loss any softer. :(:( ....Nancy
  • A good friend is hard to loose, a friend that you raised, you cared for and cared for you is even harder. Your kindness, caring, and dedication to him, will live in memory and be part of you forever. Sorry for your loss. ....John H.
  • I am so sorry about Teddy. I know how hard it must be for you, I've been there too. Your website and pictures are beautiful, what a wonderful tribute to him. ....Joanne H.
  • Laurel, I am so very sorry for your loss of Teddy Edward, what a beautiful guy he is.  I lost my Sally with the same problem only she quit using her back legs.  It was very hard for me to let her go.  I know her and Teddy Edward are running and having a blast at the Rainbow Bridge with no pain.  Our precious angels, we will always love them and never forget them.Teddy and Brita-96  You have a beautiful tribute for him and Josephine.  ...Lea
  • Teddy will be missed by all of us Laurel.  My thoughts and heart go out to you while you are going through this difficult time. I too will miss Teddy and always remember him.   ....Rod
  • Sorry to hear about Teddy, I know how hard it is to loose a good dog. ....Angie
  • I'm so sorry! It's always so hard when that decision has to be made.  (((HUGS)))   ....Jeannie
  • I'm very truly sorry, this must be very hard.  Teddy's in a much better place where he has no pain.  My thought are with you!   ..... Brittany
  • really sorry to hear this-it is always so hard to let them go-never gets any easier-all we can do is remember the good times and I'm sure there are plenty of good ones for you and Teddy   .....gail
  • Teddy's memory will be with us all, near and far.  The love and strength he gave to you, his devoted guardian, was his gift to to us so fortunate to have you as our friend.  Today, more than ever, we keep you close in our hearts and thoughts.  The tribute and poetry you created commemorating Teddy's life is beautiful.  Honor his strength and love. Hug all your puppies and take good care of you.  We love you.   ....Diane
  • What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful pup!  I know how it feels to loose a loved one.... and the tributes it takes... along with time... to 'let it be...'.  ...Jon
  • So sorry for the loss of your beloved Teddy.  What a beautiful dog!!!  May you find peace in his memories. Just remember---when you look to the stars, the brightest one will be Teddy, looking down at you with love and gratitude.  God bless.   .....Cathy
  • I'm really sorry about Teddy, I'm sure he is resting peacefully now.  ....Tonya
  • I'm so sorry to hear this. Teddy was a very good dog.  ...Marissa
  • My heartfelt condolences go out to you at such a time of loss.  Teddy was such a handsome German Shepherd and so very lucky to have you for a mom while here on this earth. It is never easy saying goodbye to your best friend, in fact it is heartbreaking on so many levels.  But the last gift we can give our dogs is freedom from pain and suffering when their time has come to cross over.  You did this for Teddy, you helped him to leave his old body behind so he can now be young and free in heaven to romp and play again.  I have a firm belief that when we cross over, we'll be with those that left us behind here, dogs and humans.  I had a wonderful dream about my sweet boy Dylan awhile back and it was so incredibly real, he came to visit me.  I knew from that day on that he is okay and he'll be waiting for me just as Teddy will be for you.  I am so sorry for your loss Laurel.  I know you have a heart of gold and that you are feeling pain and sadness right now, but also know that Teddy's spirit is still with you and always will be.  I'm sure your mom is watching over him and showing him the ropes with Josephine leading the way!  Take care my friend and know that I am thinking of you.  Hugs to you,   ....JoannaTeddy and Brita-93
  • Teddy was certainly a very special soul. He's beautiful. I read the memorial that you've created for him. You were certainly destined to be his mom.  I too work with an animal communicator. We did it for Sammie's brother Frank afer she was diagonosed with cancer. We also wanted to make sure that she wasn't in pain. It's such an incredible gift to be able to listen to our fur babies and try to understand what they're doing and how we can help them.
  • I am so sorry to learn of Teddy's passing. I know he was like your child as are the others, and I can imagine how hard it is to lose him. I've only had Molly for 7 months and it seems like she has been here for ever. She is definately part of the family.  What great accomplishments he achieved! And a beautiful website and tribute! Sometime you will have to share your talent for web design with me. I need the help!  ....Alan
  • What a distinguished looking guy!  Thank you for sharing the poem - very sad but beautiful!!  ....Vickie
  • Seeing Teddy's photos brought tears . . . . I'm so sorry you had to say good by, Laurel. I'm so thankful for our sweet companions. They give us such unconditional love. If only God would give us more time with them . . . With sympathy, Janis
  • I'm so sorry to hear about Teddy, you and I are so much alike, in our love and devotion to our dogs. .I can't bear to even think about the day that I will have to say good-bye to Axel.....Paula
  • Laurel- May you remember the good times that Teddy brought to you and all those he touched so deeply. Teddy, may you now play with Josephine and Kala and many other in the eternal playground.....Love~ Stuart
  • I AM so sorry about your lost but just knowing the joy teddy brought to your life and everyone who came in contact with  him makes me very content knowing that he will be waiting for everyone at the gate someday to greet them to the new world. GOD BLESS TEDDY. ....Marc O.
  • Goodbye Teddy.  ...Shari
  • Thank you for sharing your Teddy with me.  He was a beautiful dog.  I can only imagine how much he will be missed.  You are very kind to let him go and be pain free. ....Dianne
  • My heart goes out to you.  I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog, Teddy. What a wonderful tribute you made for Teddy.  I can tell you put a lot of love into it. I heard it said that those we hold dear never leave us - they live on in our hearts and memories. Thank you for sharing your precious memories of Teddy with me. Look out - here comes a HUG. Love - Sandy
  • Wow, Teddy is gorgeous!  I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye to him, but know he isn't hurting any longer.  You gave him a wonderful life filled with love, and in return you received the same.  I'm really terribly sorry.
  • Simply Beautiful - Thank you for sharing.  Aida
  • I am sorry to hear about Teddy :( Breaks my heart when I hear when someone loses their furry best friends. You will be in my prayers.  -Phil
  • Really really sad for you.  He was one of those dogs that I know you really had a special place for.  Sorry it too so long to respond but we were gone all weekend training in QC.  I didn't even get to meet  him.  Keep in touch.   Mike W.
  • I'm so sad for you Laurel.  I know, only too well, how difficult it is to lose a beloved companion.  I hope time will ease the grief of your loss!  I think of you often my friend!  Love, P~
  • Laurel, I'm so very sorry for your loss.  You and Teddy Edward are in my prayers.  What a beautiful boy.  ......The site you created for Teddy is wonderful.  When I first got your message, I felt so sad, but after looking at the website and seeing how much love Teddy had and gave, I feel very happy for him and for you and the rest of his pack.  Peace, MTeddy and Brita-92elinda
  • I'm very sorry for your loss. It's never easy when we lose one of our friends, but at least we have the honor of having shared their lives. I know Teddy will live on in your memory for now. Your memorial to him was very well done.  Best regards, Paul Bilecki
  • I am very sorry for your loss, Laurel! Our furry angels just don't get to stay with us long enough... while those humans we don't like to be around never seem to leave  ;-)   ....Lisa B.
  • So sorry to hear about Teddy.  It sounds like he is now in a better place.   ....Dorothy
  • I am greatly sadden by Teddy's passing. I am grateful of the fantastic life that he found with you. He was truly an amazing dog,who needed a very special person . Thank you for loving him and being that person ...Allison
  • Please know that you are in our thoughts this sad day.  I'm sure that my Dale, along with all the others at the Rainbow Bridge, made Teddy feel very welcome there.  They're probably all playing ball but always keeping their guard as they wait patiently for us.   Hugs to you and Teddy!     .....Laura
  • Thinking of you during this difficult, however beautiful time.  He was a special guy and will be with you forever!  Hugs,  Donna W.
  • I am so sorry Laurel. It is never easy to say goodbye and it is never the right time. But I know you know your boy and did the right thing for him. Matt & I are both thinking of you.  Christie
  • I'm so sorry to hear about Teddy.  Losing a pet is so difficult.  It's a lovely website for him also.    It's amazing how a part of our lives they become.   Sincerely, Chelsie
  • This is a wonderful Memorial for Teddy.  So sorry for your loss.   .....Mike
  • Happy Angel Day handsome Teddy Edward  .....Hugs Karen
  • Sorry to hear of the passing of your dog.  .... my deepest sympathy......... Deb Z.
  • Sorry to hear about Teddy. The "look" you mentioned is the look we saw 1 year ago with Sassy. She was 15 year and 3 months old when we had her put down. The consolation is you did what you could to make her/him happy and comfortable but there is a time. Unlike people who can verbalize what is wrong and what they are going through the dog can only show you that "look" to tell you its no fun for me.  Again sorry to hear about the lost of your companion.  Matt and Heather
  • I'm so sorry.  But as your website proves...he will always be with you.  You gave him the "vacation" he sought.  He was well pleased. Hugs  Jean
  • Thank you for sending me Teddy’s picture and the poem you assembled….it was very moving.  I’m so sorry to hear about your great loss.  He was very special indeed!  I know you did the very best for him and he experienced more love here with you than many people experience in their life.  Well done Laurel, well done. You are loved and missed!  Fran
  • We're sorry to hear about Teddy, our thoughts are with you, it's never easy.... Polly & Lisa
  • Hey Laurel. I am sorry for you to hear about your loss. Ten years was a damn good life for him!!  Take care.....Bryan
  • My deepest condolences   ....Marlene
  • My heart goes out to you at this sad time.  No matter how many other nail "clicks", or collar "clinks", or sighs or barks you hear, your heart knows one is missing.  Know that your friends are thinking of you and understand the loss of such a special dog.   ....Doe
  • Sorry to hear of your loss . Perhaps you will appreciate this story of the Rainbow Bridge. ...Christine

  • Sunday, February 22, 2009

    Rainbow Bridge


    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to RainbowBridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. 

    All the animals that ha
    d been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. 

    The animals are happy a
    nd content

    except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.

    Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. 

    You have been spotted, and
    when you and your special friend final
    ly meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. 

    Then you cross
    Rainbow Bridge together.... 


    Saturday, February 21, 2009

    Goodbye Teddy Edward


    "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." .....Richard Bach

    They say you'll know when it's time. It will be a look and you'll just know. On February 21, 2009, I saw that look.

    After a lifetime of enduring the pain associated with hip dysplasia and a year of limping on 3 legs, Teddy lost all use of his right front leg. It was obvious that the pain was excruciating simply by watching him walk. There were times in the last few days that I would hear whimpering and find him just standing facing the front door. We are so fortunate that we can help dogs cross to the other side where they can live, pain free, until we meet again.

    Yesterday Teddy told Marilyn to tell me he knows it's time to go home. He doesn't want to leave because he's loved it here but it's getting too painful to move. He compared it to going on vacation and having a great time. You really don't want it to end but you know you have to go home because... oh my gosh... you're out of money!

    I searched the internet for the perfect poem and couldn't find exactly what I wanted but I found pieces of some so I took those pieces, put them together, did some rewording and added my own thoughts. Here it is:

    If it should be that I am weak
    and pain should keep me from my sleep,
    then you must do what must be done,
    for this last battle can't be won.
    You will be sad; I understand
    but don't let grief then stay your hand.
    It is a kindness that you do
    so, no regrets, it should be you.
    Take me where my needs they'll tend
    but do stay with me 'til the end.
    Hold me tight and speak to me
    until my eyes no longer see.
    Don't search for me for I'm not there,
    but feel me now, I'm everywhere!
    In air you breathe, in sounds you hear,
    don't cry now, my spirits near.
    Smile at my memory, remember my ways.
    This isn't the end, but brand new days!
    I'll wait and watch from the other side
    until; once again, I'm by your side.


    Teddy Edward 11/6/99 - 2/21/09


    Don't be dismayed at good-byes.
    A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
    And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,
    is certain for those who are friends.
    ....Richard Bach

    Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sun on ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. …Mary Frye, 1904-2004

    Friday, February 20, 2009

    Teddy’s Resting Place

    Behind my house are woods and a slight rise.

    Last summer I started digging for we didn't expect Teddy to last into fall. He started limping a bit less in the fall so I covered the hole with tarp. Yesterday (2/20/09), when I knew the end was imminent, I went there to see how it survived the winter. Because the sun was setting, I returned to the house to get my camera and this time Teddy followed me. It took all that he had to hobble on 3 legs but I let him come along because he seemed to want to. That was when I took the pictures below.

    Today after I returned from the vet and said my goodbyes, I laid him to rest on this spot where I'll be able to visit regularly. There was snow falling and it really was beautiful.





    Rest in Peace, Teddy Edward.... I'll miss you....

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Teddy talks with Marilyn...

    February 3, 2006 Does he have a blocky head?? Dark face? (yes)

    How is your hip?
    (Left hip - she asked if that was the one)… It’s alright… He feels that he needs to build up muscle… like a body builder working out. (Very true but would be a fact I think with any dog that has hip dysplasia and just had a Femoral Head Excision)

    Other hip?? He said he just needs to keep the muscle going. I’m three legged but try to use all 4. Other hip is mild, not severe. He’s SO glad both of them weren’t done because the other one doesn’t need it yet.
    Teddy and Brita-111
    How can I help you to be less anxious when I’m coming and going? He’s not anxious when you come home but he calls it “alert”. Oh…the leaving… ..anxious then.

    (There’s something with the nose,…. Sinuses…empty cavity… hard to focus… Watch him)

    Why do you beat up on the girls you love when we’re all out for a walk or when I’m around and you can’t get to me? It scares them. I know you do it sometimes when I’m not around or at least you used to because my mother would see you and she worried about Olivia. Brain shutting down…. Habit, he’s gotten used to doing it and it’s partially stress. Too much stuff going on…...

    What about what happened when you were a puppy? When happened when puppy isn’t important anymore. He doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s “pretty happy” now. he said “I’m her favorite”…

    Teddy – what can we do about your stress barking when you’re not in the middle of things? Climbing the walls… can’t help it. Marilyn suggested an anxiety wrap and maybe the collar. Stressed – doesn’t want to be confined.. me to confine him.. he wants the opposite of I want. I want to go east he wants to go west.. same thing only a bigger picture. Doesn’t like the idea of Ari going everywhere.. content to be a house dog if I’m there.. likes to be with me… more intensity than Olivia about house dog. Depression when I go to work.. when I take the other dogs….she’s gone again… does Olivia help…. 2 peas in a pod..

    February 7, 2007 Teddy – are you feeling ok? *****likes to hang out with me in LR… he thinks he's my lover boy… he thinks he’s my favorite. Ari can just go be a fighter. They were aware of how sick Ari was and Teddy said life would have been easier for him but he doesn’t wish anything bad to happen. When I mentioned a puppy he doesn’t care and will hang out with her. When I said it won’t take away from them they said be serious, of course it will!

    June 7, 2007 How are you feeling? Your bones? ….ok… more relaxed - tiredness in spine arthritis… maybe from overdoing doesn’t take much..
    Teddy and Brita-22
    How do you feel about Brita?
    Play with him.. face – enough is enough… likes that

    What else would you like to tell me? He said Olivias right about peeing in yard – they need to mark the yard and he does the corners and she does the house.

    February 27, 2008 Teddy – How are your legs? Kind of a tingly feeling in front paws – lack of circulation… a sensation – discomfort – spot just above the elbow and ties to just behind the shoulder like a muscle pain.. not a bone related issue.. could be a pinched nerve – massage or acupuncture better than chiropractic but that would help. Yes the red light on neck… it’s the right leg and left side of the neck C2-3 where the shoulder attaches - he also has a headache. He loves me and likes when I rub his ears – Brita takes advantage of him and of his good nature and she bugs him. Because of his movements she is more annoying. She is a bundle of energy and doesn’t stop moving and kind of fun and amusing and also an irritant because she is so spunky. He wants to go on walks when he gets better.. Lying around can be exhausting. Be his coach…

    April 7, 2008 Note: Marilyn feels the pain in her own body where a dog describes it. I asked her if the fact that he was on pain killers affected what he described and she said “yes, thank goodness” and she’s glad or it would really be painful.
    * Teddy says that the bones in his right front foot feel icky – arthritic – like being pulled together. He bites there but it doesn’t help but it gives him satisfaction (like us biting nails when stressed).
    * His right front shoulder feels weird. Marilyn described it by asking me if I saw the hair commercial where the hair shaft breaks apart and it looks frizzy because that what it seems like)
    * He has an intense ache in his joints – on a scale of 1-10 it’s a probably a 6.
    * The left front ankle area (not in the paw) is painful and the pain radiates up and down the bone.
    * The right side of his neck feels pinched or squeezed and the right shoulder is tied into it. Marilyn described it like a drawstring – when the jaw moves the neck turns into the shoulder and when the head turns it causes tightening and the shoulder and neck seem to be magnetized.
    * He says there is stress in his low back. He says he has a pain in his rear left hip. It feels like waves of pain…pulsating…like a cadence…tremor. It will be continuous and then it will stop for awhile. It’s hard to get up when it’s happening.
    * He has a headache and is sometimes nauseous. Teddy and Brita-120
    * He says there is a tension across his chest. (I mentioned cancer spreading to organs and asked about a chest x-ray and she said it probably wouldn’t show anything.)
    * He says he saw me pull others (Kobie and Ari) through and is willing to work to get better but thinks this time it won’t happen. He understands that all things change form.
    * He says he is not able to do the things he used to do like rolling on his back. (I commented that he didn’t do that because of the way his back was shaped and then I remembered these times I took photos.)
    He says that he likes sleeping next to me (which he hadn’t done very often). (yesterday he snuggled) He says it draws on my energy (not negative for me) …like plugging in. He’ll be sticking closer to me now.

    April 28, 2008 Teddy – after trip to the vet, that, yet again, showed nothing on the x-rays, this time of his back legs and abdomen. He is achy in his low back and hips and anything other than a light touch hurts him. Massage around his neck feels good but not toward his back end. He is very uncomfortable and Marilyn feels that it could be systemic and pain in the joints. To write off any tick related diseases, even though he tested negative, he’ll be on Doxycyclene for a few weeks.

    5/19/2008 Teddy – Shoulder aches – he’s fatigued and can be out-of-sorts a lot. He’s really slowing down and likes to lay down and sometimes it’s hard to hold his head up. He said he loves me and I don’t have to say it back because he knows I love him and now he wants to cherish the good times left which could be months – August?? …fall?? He said he has muscle spasms in his shoulder but not to worry, they don’t hurt. I said we’ll get water in his pool and he said he’d love that! His paw feels numb.

    Marilyn said he’s saying he wants ice cream?? I’ve come to the conclusion that it may be pumpkin that he’s taking about. I have kept a can in the fridge in the past and spoon fed it to Kobie and Teddy and they liked that so I have started to do that again.

    The other dogs are very respectful of him and I told her Kobie was play bowing to him outside and I was concerned she was too rough but Marilyn said unless Kobie is touching him, let her because it’s her way of cheering him up which is Kobie’s role.

    2/20/2009 He's ready... it will be soon... probably next week but maybe before.......


    4/29/2009 He’s (Teddy) everywhere….everything’s fine….comfortable…at ease…· Fine with his resting place · Ari’s coming soon but that’s ok since everyone gets along – they were together before. · He’s watching all of us and he’s everywhere.

    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    Teddy’s Namesake

    So she looked him in the eyes and said...

    oh.. you look like a Teddy Bear... we'll call you Teddy Edward....

    From the book "Around the World with Teddy Edward" ...

    "Teddy Edward, created by Patrick and Mollie Matthews, has been a favourite with children on BBC Television for over ten years and is also known to thousands of young readers from his many adventures in different parts of the world, including Timbuktu and Mount Everest, which have sold nearly a million books."

    The book was published in 1981 but Patrick Matthews has had the copyright since 1962. This bear got everywhere and has the pictures to prove it. He appears with camels, at Victoria falls, at the pyramids, in front of the Taj Mahal, up Everest, in China, Australia, Fiji, America, Canada, The North Pole, Russia, ...... Lets just say he got about a lot! Not only did he travel on strange animals but he had his very own jeep and helicopter (picture). VIB stands for very important bear ! Teddy Edward is very famous among bear lovers (over a certain age!). His owners travelled around the world and took photos of their beloved bear. If I remember correctly they got so many that they made it into a program.

    Teddy Edward's Chopper

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