Re: Dog Sports Festival Sept 3-5 IL Sch, PSA, PP
by Christie M » Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:23 am
The Dog Sports Festival in St. Anne was a really great trial!It was such a great feeling to judge my first trial in the Chicago area where it has always been so important to me to promote PSA.
The following people earned certifications or titles:

Angie Stark with Dozier
Patrick Ganley with Chino
Thomas Burlile with Ruby
Angie Stark with Dozier
Harold Cherry with Ezee
Toran Scott with Cicada
Amanda Caldron with Achilles
Cory Dewberry with Ursa
Laurel Stone with Britta

The Trial Placings were: PSA 1 -
3rd: Adron Rice with Bruno2nd: Cory Dewberry with Ursa1st: Amanda Caldron with AchillesHigh Obedience: Amanda Caldron with Achilles
High Protection: Amanda Caldron with Achilles
High Owner Trained: Amanda Caldron with Achilles
High in Trial: Amanda Caldron with Achilles
High Owner Trained Club: Sweet Corn Kennels
Overall the trial went very smoothly and was a great example of working dog loving folks coming together to showcase their sport and try new things. Many Schutzhund titles were earned on Friday, and I hear the Brawl was a great success.
Wayne and everyone at SweetCorn Kennels deserve a huge pat on the back for bringing it all together. Thanks to Cory for coordinating all of the PSA portion. The decoys were ofcourse FANTASTIC - Wade, Toran, Thomas and Cory. And I will always be appreciative of the thankless job held by the Trial Secretary - Christina. Thanks too to Sami who jumped in to help as well.
As always, it was great seeing old friends and making new ones.
Congratulations to everyone who titled, competed and made this event such a great success.
Christie Meyer
Dog Sports Festival - Sept 3-5 IL Sch, PSA, PP
Friday September 3 Schutzhund Trial DVG Judge Lisa Little Decoy: Waine Singleton
...Titles Offered- bh, IPO I-III, TR I-III, OB I-III, Protection I-III
** this trial is just about full already so if you plan on trialing please contact me asap to hold a spot.
Saturday September 4 PSA Trial Hosted by Central Ohio Dog Sports Judge: Christie Meyer
Decoys: Wade Morell, Toran Scott
** That's right! I said PSA Trial in the Chicagoland Area. Sweet Corn is committed to bring this sport avenue to our area
Sunday September 5 K9 Brawl Championship $$$ (Max 25 dogs)Hardest Hitting Contest $$$ Esquive Contest $$$
Decoys: Wade Morell, Toran Scott, Jason Fox Judges: Ric Wolterbek, Mike Pulford
*** $1000 in Cash Prizes ***
We hope to make this the biggest Dog Sports Event of the year by bringing you 3 different Dog Sports in one weekend. We will also be honoring the top dogs from each Sport. All are invited. More to come on this awesome weekend.
If you are interested in judging / decoying the K9 Brawl email me at
Location: 4902 S Mulberry Ave, St Anne, IL 60964