Sunday, June 5, 2005

Baltimore PSA Trial Videos

Obedience (83 of 100)
Ari wouldn't work for me (the mom) so, even though I trained him,
Greg handled him at the last minute and almost titled him that day!
83 of 100 obedience without the long down. When put in a down I know
Ari thought he was supposed to follow Greg so he got up and did.

The Car Jacking Scenario (41.5 of 50)
Ari had to heel to the vehicle, get in and alert.

The Attack on Handler (37 of 50)
This is where we should have asked for a sleeve because
Ari had only been on the suit for 6 months.

The Courage Test (54.5 of 70)
Since Ari was a crossover dog from Schutzhund, we asked for the sleeve
and took the 5 point deduction. In PSA1 this is not allowed today.

Total Obedience 83 of 100
Total Protection 133 of 170
Total Score 216 of 270

Overall percentage 80%

Ari missed the attack on the handler by 1 point and you needed
to pass all three scenarios. In 2005, there were 3 protection
scenarios for PSA1 and now there is an additional one
which is a scenario chosen from 1 of 5 published.

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