Friday, August 12, 2011

Out for another walk..

We lost walkin’ time for a month when the temperature hovered around 90 and the humidity was high.  Yep..  not only did Olivia not want to go out but I didn’t either!  It was brutal…  and we didn’t have it bad compared to other parts of the country! 

So it cooled down and we’re out again!  She is such a hoot!  When she could see and hear, she hated having her picture taken..  the BIG EYE you know, watching her…  and she would hear the click and run the other way!  Now, she has no clue I’m taking pictures and I holler really loud at her and she perks up and prances.  She likes to go through the long grass… I think all of my dogs like that.  When she’s had enough, up the nose goes and she turns and heads through the woods to the house.  I, however, since the woods were filled with mosquitos, decided to take the scenic route past the flowers and corn!   Click on the pictures for close-ups!

2011.8.13 Olivia on a walk in woods-1       2011.8.13 Olivia on a walk in woods-122011.8.13 Olivia on a walk in woods-8      2011.8.13 Olivia on a walk in woods-23






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